Massage for Polo and Polo Cross

Each equine sport affects the equine athlete in a different way. For the Polo horse some of those elements include inverted posture, sharp pivots on the hind end, torque (to specific side from swinging), increased joint flexion, hyperextension of the distal limb, standing in the stirrups, fast starts and stops and low heel long toe. Each of these elements affects the muscles and joints in a different way than other sports. A Professional Body worker will be able to target these muscle groups and help to provide soft tissue relief to your horse. 

Muscle groups that are important to address in the Polo Horse include:

  • Wither muscles

  • Paraspinal muscles

  • Gluteal, Hamstring and Quadriceps muscles

  • Pectoral sling

  • Psoas muscle group

  • Loin muscles

  • Shoulder sling muscles

  • Pectoral sling muscles

  • Extrinsic neck muscles

These horses may also require extra work on the side opposite from the riders swinging arm as these muscles will be working extra hard through out the play of the sport supporting their rider.

Massage for extended trailering & fatigue

Massage for Ropers